Theological Evangelical Association of Eurasia
(Approval is planned at the TEAE General Meeting on April 26, 2023)
1.1. The Theological Evangelical Association of Eurasia is an association of evangelical educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Association), which is an international non-profit public organization that unites on a voluntary basis educational and other institutions and associations that share the beliefs of the Association and its Charter.
1.2. The activities of the Association are aimed at:
1.2.1. Deepening solidarity, mutual support and cooperation of evangelical educational institutions through joint educational projects and events;
1.2.2. Improving the level and quality of theological education through accreditation assessment and mutual recognition. Accreditation in the broad sense of the word refers to the process of developing and approving uniform standards of Christian education in all spheres of life of theological educational institutions, followed by an assessment of the educational institutions that are members of the Association in accordance with these standards and criteria for assigning them the appropriate accreditation level, confirmed by the relevant document of Associations.
1.2.3. Development of national theology and spiritual enlightenment (including different languages).
1.3. The Association carries out its activities in accordance with this Charter.
1.4. The Association does not pursue political goals in its activities, does not participate in the activities of political parties and other political associations.
1.5. The Association does not have profit making as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute profits among the members of the Association.
1.6. The Association is not liable for the obligations of its individual members, just as its members are not liable for the obligations of the Association.
1.7. Full name is Evangelical Theological Association of Eurasia. Short name: TEAE
2.1. The main objectives of the Association are:
— deepening solidarity, mutual support and cooperation of evangelical educational institutions through joint educational projects and events;
— improving the quality of education and accrediting evangelical educational institutions in accordance with accepted standards;
— development of national theology and spiritual enlightenment (including in different languages)
2.2. To achieve its statutory goals, the Association solves the following tasks:
2.2.1. It develops standards and criteria for theological education based on the scientific research of the Association and other accreditation organizations, and also develops an accreditation procedure in accordance with world practices, established traditions and local state educational standards and requirements;
2.2.2. It organizes mutual evaluation of the educational programs of the members of the Association, both in the field of formal and non-formal education;
2.2.3. It generalizes and disseminates the best educational practices, contributes to the professional development of teachers of the Association, conducts scientific and methodological seminars, international conferences, symposiums, congresses, meetings, colloquia, meetings, courses, exhibitions and other cultural, educational, scientific and other educational events in the field of theological education;
2.2.4. It establishes contacts with international accreditation organizations in order to integrate into the global accreditation system for mutual recognition of educational level in the international evangelical community;
2.2.5. It conducts an examination of draft educational standards, basic and additional educational programs in the areas of training and specialties of theological education, educational and teaching literature;
2.2.6. It provides consulting to promote the implementation of educational standards in the educational process;
2.2.7. It represents the interests of the members of the Association at their request and assists in obtaining state and international recognition by educational institutions;
2.2.8. It provides assistance in the preparation and publication of monographs, textbooks, manuals, anthologies, reference books, brochures, as well as other information publications;
2.2.9. Assists in solving other problems that do not contradict the statutory goals of the Association and the current legislation.
3.1. Membership in the Association is voluntary and can be of two types — full and associate. In addition to membership in the Association, observer status is also provided for organizations which are interested in the activities of the Association, but not ready for formal membership.
3.1.1. Any evangelical organization that has a formal or informal educational process (curriculum), regardless of nationality and location, shares the creed of the Association and recognizes its Charter, can be a full member of the Association.
3.1.2. Associations, research institutions, missions, missionary groups of both religious associations and acting independently (autonomously), sharing the goals and objectives of the Association and recognizing its Charter can be an associate member.
3.1.3. Admission to full and associate members of the Association is carried out on the basis of a written application addressed to the President of the Association after payment of the entrance fee and approval by the Board of the Association with further informing all members of the Association, or approval at the General Meeting of the Association.
3.1.4. An observer can be any organization that shares the religion of the Association, recognizes its Charter and is interested in the activities of the Association. Admission to Observers is carried out on the basis of a written application without paying an entrance fee.
3.2. Full and associate membership is terminated as a result of voluntary withdrawal from the Association through a written application or under the following circumstances:
3.2.1. Disagreement with the beliefs of the Association.
3.2.2. Violation of the provisions of the Charter of the Association.
3.2.3. Failure to pay membership dues for more than three years. In this case, the calculation time is set to April 1 of the next/following year.
3.2.4. Obstruction by their actions or inaction of the normal work of the Association.
3.3. The decision to expel a member of the Association is made by the Board of the Association with further informing all members of the Association.
3.4. Members of the Association have equal rights and bear equal duties.
3.5. A full member of the Association has the right to:
3.5.1. participate in the activities of the Association and manage its affairs;
3.5.2. elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Association, as well as represent the Association within the powers granted to them;
3.5.3. receive, in accordance with the established procedure, information on the financial, economic and other activities of the Association;
3.5.4. apply for accreditation of educational institution programs;
3.5.5. use the scientific and methodological information available to the Association, as well as any kind of services provided by the Association;
3.5.6. participate in scientific conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, forms of scientific tourism, other events organized by the Association;
3.5.7. apply to the Association for assistance in protecting their rights and legally protected interests, as well as for other necessary assistance;
3.5.8. acquire literature and materials published by the Association or received and acquired by it on preferential terms.
3.6. An associate member of the Association has the right to:
3.6.1. participate in the activities of the Association and manage its affairs;
3.6.2. elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Association, as well as represent the Association within the powers granted to them;
3.6.3. receive, in accordance with the established procedure, information on the financial, economic and other activities of the Association;
3.6.4. use the scientific and methodological information available to the Association, as well as any kind of services provided by the Association;
3.6.5. participate in scientific conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, forms of scientific tourism, other events organized by the Association;
3.6.6. apply to the Association for assistance in protecting their rights and legally protected interests, as well as for other necessary assistance;
3.6.7. acquire literature and materials published by the Association or received and acquired by it on preferential terms.
3.7. Members of the Association (both full and associate) are obliged to:
3.7.1. comply with the Charter, implement the decisions of the General Meeting of the members of the Association;
3.7.2. actively contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Association, to contribute to the implementation of the activities held by the Association;
3.7.3. make entrance and annual membership fees to the funds of the Association;
3.7.4. provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Association;
3.7.5. timely and in full to fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Association.
3.8. Membership in the Association does not prevent its members from being members of any other unions, associations, alliances.
3.9. The Observer of the Association has the right to:
3.9.1. participate in the Association Board upon approval by the General Meeting;
3.9.2. use the scientific and methodological information available to the Association;
3.9.3. participate in scientific conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, forms of scientific tourism, other events organized by the Association;
3.9.4. acquire literature and materials published by the Association on preferential terms.
4.1. The governing bodies of the Association are: the General Meeting of the Members of the Association, the Board of the Association, the President of the Association from Europe, the President of the Association from Asia, the Executive Director of the Association and the Audit Commission.
4.2. Full and Associate Member of the Association has one vote at the General Meeting. Representatives of the members of the Association participate in the General Meeting of the Association with the right of a decisive vote by proxy of the head of the institution (organization).
4.3. General meeting.
4.3.1. The supreme body of the Association is the General Meeting of representatives of the members of the Association. Observers may be present at the General Meeting, but without the right to vote.
4.3.2. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting is: Adoption of the Charter of the Association, making additions and changes to the Charter. Deciding to terminate the activities of the Association and the formation of a liquidation commission. Election of the Board of the Association, the Presidents of the Association from Europe and Asia, the Executive Director and the Audit Commission and the Chairman of the Audit Commission. Approval (on the proposal of the Association Board) of the educational standards of the Association. Approval of the reports of the Presidents of the Association, the Executive Director of the Association and the Audit Commission. Approval (on the proposal of the Association Board) of the draft budget of the Association for two years. Determination of the procedure and amount of fees for members of the Association. Deciding on the entry of the Association into international organizations, unions, associations and on withdrawal from them. Acceptance of an appeal to review the decision of the Association Board regarding admission to membership or expulsion from the Association.
4.4. Presidents of the Association
4.4.1. manage the meetings of the Association Board, the committees they attend;
4.4.2. supervise the work of the Executive Director of the Association;
4.4.3. acting on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney;
4.4.4. represents the Association in all institutions, enterprises and organizations;
4.5. Association Board.
4.5.1. In the period between general meetings, the governing body of the Association is the Board of the Association, elected by the General Meeting from among the members of the Association for a period of two years. It consists of 2-5 member representatives from Europe, 2-5 member representatives from Asia, the President from Europe, the President from Asia and the Executive Director. Total 9-12 people.
4.5.2. The Board of the Association in its activities is accountable to the General Meeting, which has the right, if there are good reasons, to re-elect the members of the Board of the Association ahead of schedule.
4.5.3. Members of the Association Board are elected by the General Meeting for two years with the right to re-election for a new term, but not more than five terms in a row. The Presidents of the Association from Europe and from Asia direct the work of the Association Board and sign the decisions made by the Board.
4.5.4. Association Board: manages the Association during the period between convocations of the General Meeting of the Association; ensures the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of the Association; prepares questions for the General Meeting of the Association; makes decisions on admission to the membership of the Association with the subsequent informing of the General Meeting; solves the issues of accreditation of educational institutions with the subsequent informing of the General Meeting; determines the structure of the Association, approves the staff list, job descriptions and working conditions of the Association’s employees; appoints and dismisses the Executive Director of the Association; adopts regulations and procedures on other issues related to the activities of the Association and not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting; develops a draft budget of the Association for two years; adjusts and approves work plans for the year; creates executive committees, expert Boards, working groups and other divisions. holds meetings of the Board of the Association in various forms: in person, remotely and hybrid.
4.5.5. The Board of the Association may be attended by representatives of organizations that have observer status in the Association. These representatives do not have the right to vote and must be approved by the General Meeting. All financial expenses for the presence of representatives on the Board shall be borne by the organizations they represent.
4.6. Executive Director:
4.6.1. executes the orders of the Association Board;
4.6.2. manages the current activities of the Association, organizes accreditation visits, various events related to the activities of the Association;
4.6.3. acting on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney;
4.6.4. represents the Association in all institutions, enterprises and organizations;
4.7. Audit committee
4.7.1. The Audit Commission is elected for a period of two years by the General Meeting of three people from among the members of the Association. The Chairman of the Audit Commission is elected from among the members of the Audit Commission and manages its activities.
4.7.2. Members of the Board of the Association cannot be elected to the Audit Commission.
4.7.3. The Audit Commission at least once a year audits the financial and economic activities of the Association, the state and accounting of material assets, draws up a report on the results of the audit and submits it to the members of the Association Board.
4.7.4. The Chairman of the Auditing Commission submits a report to the General Meeting at meetings of the General Meeting, which takes place once every two years.
5.1. General meeting.
5.1.1. Meetings of the General Meeting may be held in person, remotely or in combination.
5.1.2. The General Meeting is competent to make decisions when it is attended by representatives of at least half of the members of the Association.
5.1.3. By a qualified majority of 2/3 of the votes of the representatives of the members of the Association participating in the General Meeting, decisions are made on the election of the President from Europe, the President from Asia, the Executive Director and members of the Board of the Association, on the adoption of the Charter of the Association, on amendments and additions to the Charter, and decisions are approved on the termination of the activities of the Association.
5.1.4. Decisions of the General Meeting on all other issues are taken by a simple majority of votes.
5.1.5. Voting can be secret (by ballots) or open, and a decision can also be made without a vote in the absence of objections (by consensus), or in absentia — by a mandate sent by mail or using modern means of communication . The decision on the method of voting is taken each time by the General Meeting.
5.1.6. The general meeting of representatives of the members of the Association is convened as necessary, but at least once every two years. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the decision of the Chairman of the Board of the Association or at least one third of the members of the Association.
5.2. Association Board.
5.2.1. Members of the Association Board are elected at the General Meeting for a period of two years, and may be re-elected for a new term, but not more than five times in a row.
5.2.2. Members of the Board may be re-elected after the expiration of their term of office or recalled at any time at the suggestion of at least half of the members of the Association. In the event that a member of the Board retired or was dismissed from office before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, the Board may elect a new member instead of him for the remaining term of the Board, with subsequent approval at the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
5.2.3. The Board of the Association is convened as needed, but at least twice a year. An extraordinary meeting of the Association Board may be convened by the President of the Association, or at the request of a third of all members of the Association Board, or at the request of the Audit Commission.
5.2.4. Decisions of the Board of the Association are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Board present or without a vote (by consensus).
5.2.5. The Board of the Association is authorized to make decisions only if at least 2/3 of its members participate in the voting.
5.2.6. The President of the Association from Europe or from Asia (by agreement between them) shall chair the meetings of the Association Board, and in the absence of both Presidents, the appointed member of the Board.
5.2.7. In the event of an equality of votes in voting, the chairperson of the meetings shall have the right of a casting vote.
6.1. The Association was created and exists at the expense of membership, admission and one-time fees of its members, non-political organizations, religious associations and individuals, at the expense of income from economic activities, sales of literature, transfers from foundations and Christian organizations, income from other activities that do not contradict the Charter of the Association .
6.2. The Association has the right to apply for and receive voluntary financial and material donations.
6.3. Donors and givers retain the right to indicate the purpose of the donation, and they reserve the right not to disclose their name.
6.4. The funds of the Association, including income from statutory activities, are spent only to achieve the goals defined by this Charter, and cannot be distributed among its members.
6.5. Control over the financial activities of the Association is carried out by the Audit Commission.
7.1. Decisions on amendments and additions to this Charter are made by the General Meeting of representatives of the members of the Association.
8.1. The Association terminates its activities due to reorganization or liquidation by a decision taken by a qualified majority of 2/3 votes at the General Meeting of Representatives of the Association members with the support of the decision by the President from Europe and the President from Asia.
8.2. In case of termination of the Association’s activities, the General Meeting of representatives of the Association members forms a liquidation commission, which assumes all powers to manage the affairs of the Association.
8.3. When the Association is reorganized, the rights and obligations are transferred to its legal successors, determined by the General Meeting of the Association.
End of charter