On March 26, the regular meeting of the Board of the Theological Evangelical Association of Eurasia (TEAE) was held in Uzbekistan (Central Asia). The current projects of the association were discussed, including improving standards of theological education, accreditation of programs at member institutions, alumni support, and joint publication of books and journals. It was also decided to expand relations with various international evangelical organizations interested in educational ministry in the region.
Special attention was given to the development of non-formal theological education (NFE). A working group was invited to the Board to discuss these issues and reported on the results of the NFE development project in the region. Non-formal programs are well suited to the development needs of evangelical churches and have long been used by many congregations. However, questions remain about the interaction between both non-formal programs and their integration with formal theological programs run by seminaries and biblical institutes. The Board discussed the creation of a registry (date-base) of non-formal education programs in Eurasia, methods of assessing the quality of programs and their use.
The council was held in an atmosphere of trust and constructive cooperation.
Photos from the TEAE Board can be viewed here: https://sashaspichak.wfolio.pro/disk/sovet-teae-2024-625cs6